Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I am so stressed. I have 2 short stories (20p each) I'm in the midst of writing. I just wrote a Jane Eyre paper due today. I have a Walter Benjamin/Lukacs paper I need to rewrite by Thurs. I am working on a Fulbright application at last minute, which requires 4 recs, 2 essays, a 10p writing sample, and a language exam. I have two novels to read by next week, and 5 short stories of my peers I need to write detailed comments on. Plus an extra 150 pages of literary criticism I need to weed through. And I'm allegedly training for a marathon.


Just a quick note to say hello. School has really caught up with me.


Landi said...

Just wanted to let you girls now that I am really enjoying your blog! You'll be so happy to have a record of this year down the road. I just got back into town myself after my two weeks in Texas, and then got to spend the day doing schools in Westchester. If nothing else, I've become a way better driver! Anyway, it seems like you are both starting to adjust to your new digs. I still have plans to visit you both sometime before this year is up. Miss you both so much!

P courtst@ said...

Yay!!! And I'm enjoying your pre-marital blog as well =)