Wednesday, October 8, 2008

A few quick comments

Um, just to clear things up--going to Amherst isn't going to be like that scene in Friends where Rachel goes to London, is it? =)

Otherwise...have fun in western Mass! I can't believe he's getting married already! If you're flying through Logan and have any extra time, let me know. Turns out I don't have class from this Friday until the following Thursday the 16 (classes got canceled for Columbus Day, etc etc).
I'm afraid you're probably going to have to wear tights, though you can pull the same shenanigans you did at Miri's, and scuttle to the bathroom to pull 'em off. At the very least, you'll want to have a pashmina handy, as it does get cold round these parts, and I wonder if Amherst would only be colder than here.

Re caterpillars: I will take one any day over these gross, light brown, skinny, multi-legged, antennaed bugs that are ALL OVER THE WALLS here in Boston. I caught one this morning, one last night, and at least 5 others since I arrived. They are just OVER ONE INCH LONG, and they make me extremely unsettled. I just tried to find a picture online, but I don't want to spend the morning poring through images, giving myself the heeby jeebies. I've talked to a couple of other Bostonians here, and they say it seems to be a problem. Even in brand new buildings. If any of you guys can reading this can help identify the name, genus, species of this stupid insect, that would be awesome.

Okay, back to the "novel"...

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