Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Quincy, Hockey, Other Misc. Items

Hey Miss Annie (et al),
so much to catch up on! i've been a little remiss in writing because i had company all weekend, and I've also got a nasty cold that leaves me honking my nose and coughing up phlegm every five minutes. I keep downing hot water steeped in cinnamon sticks and honey, and I've even taken a sudafed or two, but the stupid thing won't let up. My body is staging a coup--first sickness, and then of course I get my "." last night (sorry, TMI, but I think we have all of 2 male readers), which means the marathon on Sunday will be an f'ing piece of cake. When I went for a run yesterday (indoors, mind you), I made it 3 miles before I just felt too miserable to keep going. My legs and muscles were fine--it was my NOSE that couldn't take it. I couldn't breathe to save my life. I had to keep blowing my nose every twenty feet, and there are only so many wadded up Kleenexes you can stick in your sports bra while running.

I'm glad you got voting out of the way, although it sounds like your Sat was kind of a nightmare. I have my absentee ballot sitting on my desk, but before I send it off, I figure I should research all of these NY State Supreme Court appointees--I've googled a couple, but nothing much comes up. If I don't fill in the circles, does that mean the government worker receiving the ballot will fill in the bubbles for me?

I'm sorry to hear work is getting annoying--I hate that feeling of being helpless/lost, especially when your boss is hovering over you, which only makes it all the more overwhelming. Speaking of overwhelmed--at this point, I am just fighting my way till Christmas, because I will finally get my weekends back (for a short spell). I swear--I can't remember a time when I felt relieved that the weekend is here. Now I just have such a weight of guilt on my shoulders--if I don't get the most out of the 8-10hours on Fri-Sat-Sun, then I am screwed. So when my house guests headed off to a bar to eat buffalo wings and watch the afternoon games, I felt a pang of guilt not being able to go with them, which was quickly superceded by another pang of guilt about my work.

I am glad, however, that I got to do some quality sightseeing/entertaining during the weekend, which included a lovely trip to Quincy, birthplace of John Adams, and also a trip to the Garment District in Porter Sq in Cambridge-- think Ricky's, the old Canal Jeans, and the Salvation Army all rolled into one. I sign off with a little photo montage...

JA's house right across the street from a 7-11 (not pictured).

John Quincy's library. Something like 15K volumes of books...
John and Abigail's retirement home.

John's birthplace.

Didn't get a good shot of this sign as it was blocked, but the wording is hilarious. A feminist scholar would have a field day with this one...
John, his wife, his son John Quincy, and his wife are all buried right next to each other. BU vs Michigan, 7-2. An embarrassing game (for Michiganders).

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