Monday, October 27, 2008

marathon count-down!!!

patty, i just realized that the marathon is this coming weekend! T minus 5 days! can you believe it? how exciting!! i only wish i could be there to hop along with you for a couple of miles illegally, get you going to get up through central park. it sounds like youve been doing a ton of training so i am sure you will kick its behind. (you are still my motivating reason for even still considering the run in miami this january.. it still makes me shiver a little to be honest but ive got until dec 1 before they raise the rate again, so i have time to train & bide my time being indecisive).

work has suddenly become more like work, and less like an afterschool program. the boss is now around all the time, barking, asking me things i dont know, or asking me things i do know, that i wrote in a memo and presented to him, and hes holding onto it, yet still hasnt read it, and expects me to remember it all. wow. a little pent up aggression i'd say. anyway i finally feel like a member of the adult race. i made a casserole yesterday to get me through most of the week, i came home, ran and heated it up. i have turned into a 45 year old woman. i have yet to get cats, but they are predicted by others in the short future. i still dont know if i want responsibility for cleaning up cat vomit again, (oh, r.i.p. marble), but you never know.

halloween plans, anyone? im sad to be missing the parade. last year it was the ethics portion of the bar, i was too busy studying. and this year, ben is coming to visit - but they dont have any kind of parade down here. (well, other than the inappropriately-dressed-tourist-parade on south beach, but really, thats every night).

time to unload the dishwasher. i really am 45.


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