Tuesday, November 11, 2008

i dont get it

"the good shepard." am i dumb? maybe it was because i watched it while i was making dinner, and broke the viewing into two parts, but i just didnt get it. why couldnt matt damon smile at all? he was such a serious little CIA doober. ok, i dont want to spoil it (you know, in case no one else has seen this move from like 2002), but it was successful in that first, it made me hate angelina jolie, and then second, made me feel very bad for her. this second part was certainly attributable to her horrible stage makeup. why cant she look like that ALL the time?

also one other random though.

why is the npr station here playing kenny-g-esque music? now, i know its not fair to compare miami with ny, as you so mentioned in your previous post re: boston & ny-- but i mean, COME ON. any OTHER city has an actual NPR station that continually plays NPR shows. here, its like the international shit show. sure, they have a few shows on during the day. but then its like variety hour at a bad supermarket. kill me! i have to turn this off.

btw, i think i made up my mind re: the marathon.... i think i am going to sign up for the halfsie this time around, since im not feeling very confident about getting in any runs longer than 8 miles, and i dont have the motivation to go at it alone. the halfsie wont be so bad, and hopefully i can shoot for a good time to then emmulate and focus on in the coming years when i run the nyc marathon. (its a possibility, right??? i mean, ill just make you run with me into harlem bc that part sounded horrible).

ok, itchy baby is now signing out after another random, rambling post. while you might have an excuse involving jameson and beer, i have no excuse other than too many grapes with cool whip (annies new favorite desert. EVER!).

love yoooou

1 comment:

Mirz said...

grapes + cool whip + some other fruit = an ambrosia salad
How quaint.