Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Jane Eyre, Air, Eerie, Faery/Fairy

Much has been made of the eponymous little heroine of Charlotte Bronte's classic work. You could read her as:
-Jane Eyre= faery/fairy changling
-Jane Eyre the "poor, obscure, plain and little" orphan
-Plain Jane
-Modern woman or repressed Victorian conduct book-esque charicature?

Anyway, I think I've finally stumbled on an appropriate paper topic for my 19th Century British novel class-- the narrative voice in Jane Eyre. The Victorian/repressed Christian voice v the modern/independent/feminist prototype. I'm excited! I only read through 200p of theory about the Bildungsroman and construction of the orphan, but now I think I'm on the right track, so I'm going to plow through.

That's where my head is at between now and 5:30, when I have a running date with my friend Alexis to do 7 miles on the indoor track! (That means, 49 loops around and around...)

Not the most interesting of posts, I understand, but not much else to report on this front...

cheers, P

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