Thursday, April 16, 2009

the week that was barely

i cannot believe its thursday. this week has been one long stretch of the same day: i couldnt tell you how monday differed from tuesday differed from yesterday... except that each day i woke up with sore calves, made myself run longer than i wanted to, and as a result, have a matching sore quad. whats the dilly. (ok, so i do vaguely remember that it poured rain during my run on tuesday, which made it a lot of fun and very beautiful, to see the dark storm clouds gathering over the beach, lightning and the works, with the contrasting and varying shades of the ocean shimmering below). but really. thats the extent of my differentiation. maybe its a result of having had my mom around for entertainment's sake last week, or my busy weekend- but i think the only things ive managed to accomplish this week are (1) prolonging my obsessed with dexter, (2) telling myself to go to bed early each night, but subsequently ignoring it, and (3) thinking that if i keep drinking coffee, ill somehow wake up before 10am. for the record? false.

not that im being grouchy, i just feel like ive been hybernating this week. the friendies have all been rather busy; although a few of us are going to see the ballet on saturday night, otherwise i just plan on being a ferocious lump in the sun. oh, and, i recently decided i need some newness: ive been obsessing over the stray puppies available on the miami-dade animal shelter website. clearly i am not familiar with how one trains/lives with a dog any longer than 6 weeks (shoutout to chuey, holler summer 2005), but am very intrigued by the little bitty black labs pupples that are all over that site. i mean... theyre basically picking up the phone and telling me that they would like me to save their lives, and promise to cuddle, not eat my shoes, and go for long runs on the beach. no? you dont think thats what they're saying? my second minor obsession is the belief that this weekend im going to try one of those pilates reformer machine classes. not that i am all about the exercise (although i guess this post kinda makes it sound that way), but i figured it would be something different to do, new exciting etc blah blah that wouldnt involve me doing the same lap up and down the beach. (geez, this does sound grouchy).

all is well otherwise- got to talk to lil mirz yesterday on her eve of birth; keep getting these insane calls from my dad at random times when he's in a car, driving, and wants to say hello and talk for like 40 minutes even though he's yelling things at terry about directions (they're on vacay in new mexico); work is good, finally finished a case ive been working on for a while, which is a relief, and editing something else- so when i come in tomorrow, ill have a nice fresh clean desk all ready for me. i guess i just get a little stir crazy sometimes. i need a good walking. maybe like a few weeks ago, when i went down for a walk on the beach with a glass jar full of white wine, which provoked someone to ask if i was drinking urine. awesome. you kinda gotta love it. glass jar + white wine + hobo = assuming that im drinking pee. well, i guess it did look that way. but you know what? when you gotta do it, you just do.

with that, xoxo

patty- hope you're having a great time with little niecey clara in the big city.

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