Sunday, April 5, 2009

P: What a Week!

Some items on the weekly list that have kept me busy:
-Found out which country I'm going to be in next year
-Had my roomie Sheila reread Fulbright letter to make sure I wasn't taking crazy pills
-Danced around the kitchen table with said roomie

-Awoke to Miss Anna Burns' melodious voice on the other line. Proceeded to exchange a series of textuals/phone calls through the week debating the term "animalistic."
-Went to H.a.'s reading, where he complimented me on winning the award!!! (word travels fast)
-Got a surprise email from my crazy militant prof Leslie (he's on sabbatical) who said congrats; I was a talented writer and I showed great character. Then turned it back to the program by saying I showed the "pluck and perseverance," which were just the kinds of values he tries to encourage in the program. (What?) No, in all seriousness, it was a very nice email.

-Turned in 50 pages of writing, which somehow took a backseat amidst the Fulbright nonsense
-Breathed a huge sigh of relief!

-Received two bouquets of beautiful flowers from roomie and my friend Tim!

-Wrestled on the phone with the Korean embassy

-Celebrated Thurs night with poets and way too many sapphire and tonics
-Entertained my cousin Jen and her friend who were coming into town that wknd at last minute
- .... stuff happened here that I can't quite place

-Woke up next morning completely disoriented
-Got a phone call and was put on speaker phone half an hour later--my entire dept at Random House had called to CONGRATULATE ME, including my old boss!!!
-Went to bed at 10pm

-Ran 5 miles with my running club
-Cousin and her friend left
-Watched some Final 4 games at Greatest Bar; crazy sports bar.
-Refused 3 rounds of shots (jaeger, sambuca, tequila) until finally being forced to down some gross cherry liquer
-Jumped around the empty dance floor of said bar to "No Diggity" while taunting people waiting on the line to get in (they could see us through the windows)
-Waited on the platform for the T that never came
-Split a cab back to Brookline
-Got very little sleep
-Was up at 4am to eat baguette and pesto for the dinner I skipped; went back to sleep

-Woke up way too early
-Ran a 5 mile race in Cambridge with Amy, where I had a Personal Record--ran it in 40:44min, averaging an 8:09 minute mile! Hurray!
-Ran an extra 1.5 miles with Amy, as we are upping our mileage in training for the Heartbreak Hill Half-Marathon at the end of May (all hills. oy vay)
-Experienced another runner's high while driving to a cafe in Union Sq
-Did work at this cute cafe in Union Sq; got Anna's burritos in Davis Sq
-Met SYDNEY at her apt for an aperitif -- she just got into the PhD program at U of Miami!!! She is super excited to be leaving Boston
-Went home, finally showered, ate my second dinner (but technically only my 3rd meal of the day)
-Watched that dumb Gordon Ramsay show Hell's Kitchen on hulu
-Shoved Triscuits and pesto into my mouth (God, that race left me starving)
-Googled lyrics to Vampire Weekend's Oxford Comma from Annie's awesome Miami mix. The song is hopelessly catchy and addictive/addicting? Unfortunately had a moment of disappointment because the song's form did not reflect content; there were no oxford, aka "serial" commas that appeared throughout the song lyrics.
-Lamented this as a lost opportunity; got mad at hipster musicians who drop literary references and don't follow through with them (also the same reason why the movie Definitely Maybe makes me upset--they keep mentioning Jane Eyre, but there were no orphans or madwomen in the attic that appeared throughout the plot of the movie)
-Getting pumped for the end of the semester!


1 comment:

Annie said...

congrats on the timing of your race! sounds awesome!!!