Friday, April 10, 2009

mandatory new policy

i have a new proposal. Its called, "the four-day-work-week." Im not saying we should always have 3-day weekends, no. But when you take a day-off mid-week, it makes the rest of the week seem so much more bareable and pleasant, and not as painful or boring or dreadful (so does drinking a lot, and while i also advocate that, i think it also makes it much more difficult to wake up the next morning).

This is stemming from my Thursday off with my mom: it started off with an 8am, 6 mile run along the beach, when the air was still a little cool and fresh and refreshing- maybe about 58 degrees. It was me and all the retired people out on their daily constitutionals. What a perfect way to start the day. This was followed up with a brief trip to pick up my refurbished glasses, and then over to my mom’s hotel, the ‘miami beach hotel and spa,’ not too far from me down on collins and 48th street. They were just finishing up their room-service breakfast, so i sat in one of the arm chairs and looked out at the ocean, painting my nails, until it was time to go downstairs for our *couples* massage. Yes. Couples. Me and mom! It was hilarious. We had one of those rooms with two tables, dim lighting, soundtrack of the ocean, and roses on our pillows. I mean. Too cute. The massage was lovely, although there was this weird point in time when the masseuse started pulling my hair. Im guessing it was somehow related to a kind of scalp massage? But it was totally unexpected & a little odd, to say the least. It happened a few times. So bizarre. I refused to wash afterwards so walked around feeling all soft-yet-greasy for the remainder of the day, and in fact, was so lazy i didnt even take a shower before bed. (when i woke up this morning, my hair had a mind of its own).

The rest of the afternoon was spent outside: salads, sunning on the beach, wading in the ocean, walking on the boardwalk – until dinner time, when we headed down to southbeach to eat at joe allens (ben & i had been there a month ago or so) and shared an incredible piece of cod, endive salad, bruschetta, and a few celebratory glasses of prosecco (i tried to make mj have more than one vodka soda but she resisted my enticements). Afterwards we walked to the water for a bit, and then i took them back to their hotel to pack and bed. They’re off today, in a few hours; its been such a treat to have them around, and to have had yesterday off, for sure.

This morning i woke up feeling so refreshed and ready to start the day- perhaps in part because i neglected the npr to listen to my recent running-mix (involving cheese-dancey katy perry, lady gaga and kanye.. I know, odd assortment), and then sped all the way to work bc apparently everyone else in this town has the day off (either for passover or good Friday) while blasting the strokes at full-speaker-volume, wearing an inappropriately short dress from forever 21, pearl necklaces, and my big white armani sunglasses from 1977. Can you tell its going to be an amazing day or what?

After work i finally get my progressively-moppy hair cut, and then some girls from work are either coming over for drinks, or we’re having cocktails at sandbar, before heading to a nearby totally tacky italian restaurant in my hood (‘cafe prima pasta’) which will involve purple fluorescent lights... inside the restaurant. No im not kidding. Its supposed to be good, so we shall see; but mostly it will just be nice to continue stuffing my face for the week. My goal is to eat 12 pounds of pasta. Ha? Yes.

Otherwise, i cant stay up/out too late or drink too much because ive promised rachel that ill go with her to a ballet class & then yoga tomorrow at 11am. (how virtuous) (and optimistic). Apparently i am sacrificing a little saturday-morning shut-eye to put on leggings and prance around in front of strangers. How could that be a bad thing? Hey, at least then i can spend the rest of the day being a completely lazy bum with no regrets... i also somehow promised to hold/help with a modified sedar involving brisket for either later this weekend or early next week, which im currently incapable of planning or organizing for, so im going to keep my mouth quiet on that one (unless i want to sit inside all day Sunday brinning a roast or however it is you make brisket).

either way, Easter + Passover = rebirth and spring and new beginnings. So here’s to a good fresh start for us all.


1 comment:

P courtst@ said...

I wholeheartedly second that movement. I've been petitioning for a 4 day work-week--along with a 3-4hour siesta per diem--for years, but they fell on deaf ears.

PS- Yay MJ time! I'm so glad you got to catch up with your mom =)