Tuesday, September 16, 2008

thank god for gps

this post, unlike patty's, will not use big words or reference theories, even if to show i am resentful of them. in fact, this post could make me have an inferiority complex with the northen contingency, being that it is all about *shopping*.

this morning i woke up and decided it was time to get a bed, furniture, and minor appliances. i think i might have broke some world records at about 10AM when i walked into a furniture store, demanded a bed under $500, briefly felt the mattress, and turned my credit card over. you know what i felt like? an american. well, ok, at least those americans who constantly buy things they cant afford.

next - ikea. i plugged the address into this little handy gps device, it took me all around the mulberry bush, and into the swedish furniture delight depot. i thought maybe there was a problem once i filled up an entire shopping cart, but still hadnt even gotten to the furniture. it was hectic. it was stressful. and, if i ever dare go there again, i will remember that there is really NO need to go through the fake part where all the rooms are set up. its much easier to find what you want in the catalogue, and then just head directly to the huge aisles full of boxes. i felt like i wasted hours and hours there, which im sure is a commonality for all ikea-goers. the swedish meatballs were, as always, delicious.

feeling like i didnt have enough insanity in my day, i unloaded the car and then decided it was time for target. i mean, i needed a coffee maker. but that trip suddenly took 2 hours as well. i think the common theme here is that as a new yorker, whenever i have the opportunity to go into a large, box store such as ikea or target, or even a big supermarket, i just dont know how to pare it down. i need to write lists! i came out of target not only with the electric screwdriver necessary to assemble ikea things tomorrow, but also canned soup, granola bars, natural cleaning products, toothpaste, the coffee maker, and a stereo. so... the moral of the story is... im not sure. make a list? or just give myself 2 hours to buy one item.

so its one more night on the old floor/sleeping bag combo, and then tomorrow i get a bed. next up in this wild adventure is ... buying a car. so.... that should be interesting.

to end, a few things about miami that i noticed today:
(1) people are pretty friendly, always saying hello, introducing themselves etc, at least in my condo building (although it seems everyone has a dog, which makes me want one...)
(2) when i was driving this morning, i remembered how absolutely beautiful it is here - with all the palm trees, sunshine, greenness.
(3) and - then suddenly it will start to pour - which happened when i was driving around. out of nowhere, the sky opens up, it rains, and then stops ,and its gorgeous again.
(4) i still have not made it to the beach, which is, i think, blashphemy. AND--- i was horrified to find out that my pool is under renovations & wont be open for another month or two. now THAT is blasphemy. (hopefully this means it will be open once all of you come to visit).

ok, not really a short list but there you go. apparently i am a chatterbox. till next time...

1 comment:

Mirz said...

I believe in list-making
1) Beware of holding doors for older men, they may give you a funny look
2) Ikea can eat you up, impulsive behaviour be damned
3) I saw CSI: you live there!