Saturday, September 20, 2008

saturday events

me and my nuevo coche! pues.... mi solo coche.

it was a horrible experience im still not sure i want to fully report on, but i just have to say, car dealers are just as sketch as people say - except now they dont look like total dweebs or nerds wearing polyester- they try to fool you by being nice and funny and cute and talking about their families. but in the end, same slimeyness.

this morning i woke up and didnt really know what to do with myself. i felt very urgent only about one thing - getting to the beach. for some reason, i always think its going to pour and so there was this immediacy in getting out the door. after sweating and getting all salty and dehydrated, i went to the local farmers market, where i bought a delicious smelling fruit --- guava! it is so aromatic. i dont think ive ever had one before, because canned fruit cocktails dont count. otherwise, i was rather skeptical that any of the "farmers" were actually farmers. but, for the first time since getting her on monday, i finally saw citrus fruits that were not exorbantly priced. so of course i grabbed a few of those too. theres supposedly a larger, more famous local farmers market down at south beach tomorrow, on lincoln road (its basically a pedestrian street that is perpendicular to the beach, full of fancy shops/outdoor cafes but apparently the farmers grub it up on sundays... cant wait!).

then i went into the design district, after a recommendation to do so by benjamin, and found that it was actually pretty empty. i guess everyone was still at the beach. there were a few streets just full of fancy home & design stores, but most were closed. i saw maybe 2 people walking on the street. there are also art galleries over there, and they have a 2nd saturday gallery night, which i will definitely make, but no one was around at all. oh well. then i came home and went for a run on the beach. i guess a girl cant complain.

of course, work starts on monday so i shouldnt be too bored much longer. but its very strange being somewhere where you are busy every single night, with friends, with activities, with events, museums, whatever- even the opportunities - to being somewhere where you literally dont know anyone. dont get me wrong, im sure it will be a great experience and that i will love my job, but for right now, its still all very surreal.

im off to make some dinner with my farmers market booty. till next time!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Who took the picture of you and your car? Have you made a neighborhood friend?