Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The economics of buying a mattress

Hey Annie,
I am impressed by your efficiency in the score of one day! Makes you wonder how much people can get done instead of lying around on the couch, which is exactly what I did promptly after my last class. I was depressed because I had to read Georg Lukacs' Theory of the Novel, and by "depressed" I actually mean I wanted to hurl the book across the room and demand that the guy (now long dead) write some clear, lucid prose for once in his goddamned life. But I digress.

I was amazed as well by your definitive action when it came time for you to buy a bed. I was ridiculously stingy in that pursuit, and I chronicle my 2-day mattress adventure in my secret other blog The Supermarket . As for me, the only product I keep putting off purchasing is nails. That's right, NAILS. They are like a dollar for 30 of them. I just haven't gotten around to doing it.

I haven't seen much of Boston today, save a 6 mile run I did yesterday along the Charles, where I criss-crossed the MIT bridge and the Longfellow Bridge, and ran back to BU. This seems to take me an hour, because my legs have just decided to give up on me and not push any further. I was supposed to go for another run today, but I took a depressed nap (see above).

Wish me luck on the dumb Walter Benjamin paper I have due tomorrow, along with a 15p short story for Monday which I have yet to start...!

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