Monday, September 15, 2008

the first one

there is one fluorescent light on in my apartment and i am sitting on a sleeping bag with an alarm clock and various other electronics plugged in. its hard to unpack when you have just gotten somewhere - earlier i felt a little manic about it but now im just plain exhausted.

the good news is that my apartment feels much bigger than i remembered. i love having open space! yet, full of boxes.

the bad news is that my apartment feel big because its only full of boxes, not furniture. hopefully tomorrow i will tackle the bed situation (at least!). me and my sleepaway camp slumber bag havent hung out in a while, but im sure we will quickly reacquaint ourselves.

some minor miami revelations for the night:
(1) everyone speaks spanish, and assumes you do too
(2) customer service isnt really a strong point (i.e., at two separate times today - i was in a store where there was only one cashier with a line of 20 people waiting, whilst the checkout woman has lengthy, prolonged conversations in spanish with each customer).
(3) the grocery stores sell wine (yes!)
(4) so far, more men hold doors open.
(5) it is always 95 degrees and humid. (ok fine so i havent been here that long, im just saying. it feels like it!).

anyway more to come tomorrow - hopefully the northen contingency will say hello in the meantime.

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