Saturday, January 17, 2009

wavelength? same

i think the concept of staying in boston of course has its merits: first, you dont know whats going to happen with the fulbright, and as much faith as we all have in you-- its competitive, to say the least. so a back-up plan is good to have either way. putting some random two cents in here? i think you should seize the day while you can: korea or bust. you can always come back to boston, although of course it will be harder- but its also hard to just stick around for another year. so i guess youve just got some ruminating to do. 

its really funny that you should write that post, actually. when i was walking back to my apartment from the market earlier, i had a similar feeling: wouldnt it be nice to stay here, where its 70 degrees year round, and i can run outside, and sit on the beach, and feel genuinely happy to just see and hang around in sunshine, driving around with the windows open when everyone abstractly complains about 7 degree weather? my next thought, oddly, was: i bet it is SO random for anyone who comes down here to visit me, to look around, see miami, the pink sidewalks, the suburbaness, the driving everywhere, the trashy euros-- and think, "you want to stay here?" or even-- "you live here?". after about 2.3 minutes of thinking how nice it could potentially be to stay here, i reminded myself that this is not my life, but a little sojourn for a wonderful job and a taste of something else.  nonetheless, i know what you mean. its exciting, especially when you feel like you finally get it, fit in, have friends, have a routine. 

i, on the other hand, am sort of out of routines at the moment, but feeling like a lazy lazy bum. i mistakenly ran 10 miles in a new pair of sneakers today, which means both of my second-toe toe-nails are throbbing and threatening to fall off. im not kidding. even wearing slippers is painful. well, its par for the course (falling-off-nails i mean), and in a few days im sure they will brightly shining black-and-blue, and will hopefully cooperate with me and tolerate the race.

OH- and heres a little preview for you guys - complete with spanish-themed-music. holler!


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