Saturday, January 10, 2009

P: Feel Good!

So I just got back from a 6 mile run outside along the Charles, and God, I feel good! I don't often have such a positive take on myself/life/things in general, but there's something about getting your adrenaline going in 14 degree real feel temp, and leaping over patches of ice and feeling the bitter wind bite your ears and fingers and you just feel so alive!!!

My roommate's friend Amy joined in on the running group run, and afterwards we had a bagel/egg/sausage/crepes breakfast with everyone. Today was a small turnout, but still that meant like 30 people. Sheesh! So I just showered up and am debating whether I should go to the library, to Espresso Royale, to Starbucks, or if I should just go to Copley Plaza and see if J. Crew is having any sales.

So at breakfast, everyone kept talking about this big snowstorm coming on tonight. We're to get 5-8 inches. I wandered into a conversation where a couple of guys and girls were talking about SNOW BOOTS. I felt like I was in Antarctica or something. Like, in NY everyone talks about apts and rents, in Colorado I bet everyone talks about the ski conditions, and here, people talk about snowstorms.

Last night, my roommate had a really nice dinner party. There were like 15 people--a couple of married couple friends from Smith, some of her Somers/hs crowd, some BU English lit PhD was a really nice mix of folks. I knew all but the Smith friends, and there was a TON of food (crackers, cheese, hummus, pretzels + dip, chips + salsa, meatatarian baked ziti, salad, bread (my fave!), wine, and like 8 different kinds of dessert. Sheila's mom is so sweet--her parents came in from the Cape yesterday to drop off these huge trays of food and prewashed and chopped salad. They strike me as a very wholesome Irish family, and I say all of this and I've yet to meet her parents.

Anyway, it's been almost 2 hrs since I got home from my run, and I've been wasting time watching 30 Rock and Lipstick Jungle on . I think I'm going to read, take a nap whilst reading, eat leftover Queen of Sheba cake (chocolate with a creamy, slightly underdone ganache/almondy/rum-infused center), and look over my notes from yesterday. Before, of course, this big snowstorm takes over!

cheers, P


Mirz said...

Clarification please! Is meatatarian lasagna with meat or with so many vegetables that you don't miss the meat?

P courtst@ said...

Ah, yes--meatatarian baked ziti has ground beef in the sauce,covered in tons of cheese, so not vegetarian or lactose friendly =).