Tuesday, January 27, 2009

P: Another Snow Storm's A-Comin'...

One of my colleagues asked to cancel class tomorrow because of the snowstorm, and everyone jumped on board. I forget that New England gets so much more snow than NY, that it's something people have to consider and center whole conversations around. I think I mentioned in an earlier blog post about how I was at this party and people were talking about winter stormwear. Well, here we are.

I don't have too much else to report--my workshop with a new prof, Daphne, went REALLY well--we all really like her, and think she's going to be way better than Allegra. My other classmates miss Leslie, but I'm glad to be working with someone who's more current. Not to say that she's a softie.

Well, I've been wasting way too much time being online rather than working on a story about the summer my brother broke his arm in a swimming pool in Korea, on top of writing for Xuefei, so I'm going to call it a night.


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