Sunday, March 22, 2009

lazy town!

how lazy have we been. seriously. no post updating! ridic. well to be fair it was a busy week and its kind of hard to follow up after the weekend-of-last with miss park. even worse? while i want to write and fill in the on the past week, i am super tired and ready to fall asleep at 10.09pm on sunday night, and my left nostril is full of snot (sorry) and i think im getting a cold- that or insane allergies. so this girl simply needs to brush her teeth & go to bed.  as  a very brief coming attractions, the week went by rather quickly! there were many social engagements and too much drinking all around and a night out at the fountainbleu, at the night club "liv", which included some minor-celebrity sighting. i drank rum & coke for the first time since... geez, i dont know when....? not high school, not likely anyway- maybe early college? that shit is gross. pardon if i am insulting anyone's bev of choice. so more ranting to commence tomorrow after ive blown my nose repeatedly and gotten enough sleep.
and P! we need to hear about your birthday shennanigans!!!


Unknown said...

Hold on, you drank Jameson?

Annie said...

you proud?