Monday, March 30, 2009

dancing/sushi/sunshine/how long can i stay in my bathing suit?

Somehow Monday is really cramping my style. Its not like i didnt get enough sleep- although i think i woke up every hour on the hour and looked at the clock- but today is just crawling by. I think im just a little mentally-stuck at work, on what im writing. You know when that happens? If only you could push over the hump- but its like the hump lasts for days and by the time youre over it, youre just too exhausted to re-configure and re-exite yourself.

Rightly so though, i shouldnt complain - i had a lovely weekend that was busy and packed and involved sunshine and everything else floridian. Friday after work i went directly home to take a nap, woke up at 8.30pm (although i set an alarm, it didnt go off so waking up was total happenstance). While i could barely figure out if it was day or night (only the darkness outside gave it away), i slowly nourished myself back to health by eating popcorn for dinner and watching ‘american beauty’ on tv. Yes. American beauty. That movie is weird. It got such hype when it came out, and then you see it now, and its like, i dont get it. Its not that great. Anyway, moving on. Ashley had a friend in town & we were all supposed to get together & go out- two other coworkers from down the hall were also heading out- so we were all set to meet at the florida room- a club, within the delano hotel. Except its in the basement, so it has a low ceiling, and its not that big- kind of oddly-spaced so that the actual dance floor is small. After eating my scrumptiously nutritious popcorn dinner, ashley tries to bail on me and i force her to agree to meet there at 11.30. I know, can you imagine trying to motivate and leave the house at 11.30pm? Neither can i. I dont know how i did it. I think it was the nap. Otherwise, by that point in time, me and dexter would have already hung out and then gone to bed.

The florida room had djs there on friday as part of ‘winter music conference’ - this several-day-long rave/techno/electro music festival down in miami. The music was, allegedly, supposed to be hip-hopish, but of course it wasnt. Either way we had fun. I managed to take a cue from ashley’s spaniard friends who had just brought little bottles of alcohol with them everywhere, so instead of buying drinks, i just drank my little mini grey goose from my purse. Trashy? Yes. But can you blame a girl? Kind of like high school, isnt it? Whats next- vodka and snapple in plastic water bottles?

Bearing in mind there was electro-techno-music playing all night, we had a lot of fun dancing on booths, making random friends, and engaging in a conversation with total strangers about what we would eat for our last meal before we died. Me? Heirloom tomato salad with salt & pepper, basil, olive oil. And sushi. Which the next day apparently i remembered enough to go to the farmers market and buy like, 12 tomatoes. Um. Great planning on my part.

Saturday was another leisurely day in the sunshine, mostly at the pool. I finally tackled reading several issues of the new yorker that ive been meaning to finish. Well, ok. Lets be honest. That ive been meaning to actually open and read. After a nice run on the beach, i headed over to ashley’s house for the night- her friend julie had left- and we had a low-key girls night in, involving delivery-sushi and the movie "definitely maybe"- which i saw previews for months ago, and expected to be a totally painful shit-show- but it was actually really cute. We had been gabbing so much before dinner that the movie didnt end until about 1am, at which time i got into the car and made myself drive straight home to bed even though i *kind of* wanted to stop for a drink at the beloved sandbar. Holler back.

Whilst laying poolside Sunday morning, i got a call from jedd (of bronx-science-fort-lauderdale-fame) - and when i picked up- it was actually elana (high school weekend represent). Elana and her fiancé were visiting jedd and they all wanted to drive down to hang in miami for the day. This prompted me to leave the pool, but i made the strategic decision to keep my bathing suit on. Dont ask why. Maybe i was too lazy. It was mildly uncomfortable but thankfully soaked up some sweat because it was disgustingly humid and hot everywhere. Summertime in miami, here i come?

We ate some cuban lunch down in south beach, walked around; scooped my friend justin from his house, and then headed to the gansevort hotel- where candice (ALSO of bronx-sci fame) was throwing/hosting/whatevering a party as part of the winter-music-conference– supposedly on the rooftop of the gansevort, but then it rained, so there was a dj-rockin-pool-party in... the lobby. i know, a little odd. Also, a little miami. Where else do you actually expect to see girls dancing around all the time in their bathing suits? We stayed for a little bit & then dropped a totally hungover & barely functional justin at home, & the fort-lauderdalers headed back up north.

By this point the humidity had overtaken my body and was making me so cranky- as soon as i got home, i went right up to the pool and swam laps for a while. So cool and refreshing! Even better, i was all alone up there bc it had been raining earlier, although the sky was mostly clear and the sun was trying to poke through for me. All in a days work. Although i was planning on going back out again, instead i took a run, made a delicious healthy french-inspired chicken provencale dish courtesy of my mark-bittman cookbook.... and then put dinner away- opting again, for popcorn and sauvignon blanc. Is this a theme? Its like the bookend to my weekend. How clever of me.

Today i am back eating zinc lozenges and drinking tea and hoping that this cold goes away soon. I cant really take much more of it. The lozenges are disgusting in this indescribable way, but sometimes-- its like i love them. A little love-hate on a Monday morning. simply deliciously disgusting. like work in general. I want to find a way to just live in my pool for a few months. I know ill get wrinkly and gross and cold, but i think i can find a way... Just give me a little more time.


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