Tuesday, October 28, 2008


(1) i cannot believe that you still use TISSUES to collect snottage whilst running. if i ever set any kind of example for you, helped you learn anything, i hope it was how to make snot rockets when performing races. this is a skill you need to develop and hone in on in the next few days. just give up. everyone does it. no one cares. spitting is fun too.

(2) gypsy cold care. its a tea that is homeopathic, my friend lauren's alternative medicine blahdeblah recommended it, and i took it two weeks before the bar when i was getting a cold- a day later, snot begone. drink several cups per day. this is even more effective (for me at least) than zinc. plus it doesnt make your tongue feel funny

(3) quincy? youre adorable.

plus- some exciting marathon reading to get your whistle all wet.



Annie said...

eek this is the link - http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/29/sports/othersports/29run.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1&hp

it didnt work via the blog for some reason


P courtst@ said...

Despite your teachings, I have yet to master the snot rocket--it always comes flying back in my face.

I totally think you should sign up for the Miami Marathon! I might be singing a diff tune come Sun afternoon, but I think it'd be a great goal for you to try...