work was good. we got in sunday night, after running like animals to catch the plane. well, two of the three of us were running. we lost a coworker over at security, where he was pulled aside for an indepth-seach, while me & the new coworker hustled. ok, well, I hustled. this involved me having 10 minutes before *take off*, running from gate 1 to gate 47, in miami international airport, which, if youve ever been to, you will know is poorly organized, windy, and inefficiently long. i was running in my little kitten heels, so making a clip-clop noise as i teared down the corridors, people jumping out of my way as i screamed, "EXCUSE ME!!!!". i got on the plane in time, after our third oral-warning that the plane was leaving via loudspeaker, and arrived in my seat covered in a sheathe of sweat. it was pretty miraculous. nick, the said co-worker, arrived shortly thereafter, telling me that he "hit the wall" a few gates back but thankfully pushed through triumphantly. we knew it was over for jason once they gave his seat to a stand-by-er. ah well.
that night we went out with my friend blake from law school, and his wife, to a cute weird place over in "midtown" atlanta, something looking vaguely bar/fish shack-like, where we chowed on po' boys and beer. delish. then monday all day was orientation, followed by cocktails with our collective bosses (although still we are tickled by the fact that it was called a "cocktail reception", and yet, we had to buy our own cocktails. thats the government for you), followed by more drinks at another bar, hilariously called "sidebar" as in, what a lawyer asks for with a judge when at trial. "judge, sidebar?" and then they discuss little issues like whether evidence a b or c should come in. kind of witty. it was conveniently located across the street from the courthouse.
today we were back at work in our visiting office, heard a case, and then headed back to the hotel, then to the airport. unfortunately i didnt get that much time to stroll around the city & check it out, although i did attempt the following pictures to capture the atlanta glory.
i am glad to be back in miami, if only because i dont need tights here. i live in perpetual summer time, the sky is blue, ocean greenish-blue, and my skin tan. yes, tan. no splotchy freckles on my face, sorry patty, although the invitation is always open.
im off to enjoy the sun for a run before it gets dark. then i suppose ill have to unpack my wrinkled suit and consider ironing it before then hanging it up and worrying about that later.
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