got back late last night (1.30 a.m. home-time!) from the long weekend. amherst was absolutely beautiful, brings me back to those college days in the fall. very cute town! we rented a white, ford mustang convertible to make the drive early saturday morning. while we did not request that magic automobile, we were luckily blessed with it. i think the majority of the way i was hovering between 70 and 80 mph, a really fun ride (albeit, leaving hair looking a little crazy). the wedding itself was wonderful as well, the ceremony was incredibly personal and touching and honest, and you could hear a chorus of sniffling crying people all the way through. pretty good sign, i think.
it was also great to reconnect with everyone and have friends for the weekend! although i must admit, i do like annie time without any other interruptions sometimes. but i must admit, i am contemplating an animal, especially now, when i just want a little cuddly friend.
got to see my mom, sister & dad as well before i left, and got a random haircut on the upper west side. i just couldnt deal with the shag getting longer and every place i called in miami was quoting me $100. in fact, my haircut on the u.w.s. took 15 minutes. i mean, its indicative of the quality, but really its not that bad.
work was barely managable today, being that i was functioning on 5 hrs of sleep (if that?) but got through it. my new coworker started today, its nice to no longer be the littlest fishie in the pond, although i still feel incredibly new. the boss is out again until friday so i get to wear jeans! its unbelievable. i mean, you know, classy jeans and blazers and heels, but still.
above & below are some pictures from the foliage up north, although im sure it will be coming to nyc shortly (if not in boston already?). tomorrow night im going to see david sedaris at the adrienne arscht arts center (thats a mouthful) for an evening performance and book signing. i am so pumped to giggle like a little girl. although worried that i wont be able to stay awake -- im going to the mechanic again in the morning. its a never ending saga i tell you, but my 30 day warranty runs out soon and i figure i might as well get it looked at one last time, being that it growled funny on friday & again when i picked it up at the airport last night.
i must tell you, seeing pumpkins in the supermarket down here is very off-putting. it doesnt really make sense nor connect to any seasonalness, although it is getting a little cooler in the evenings now, which i like. i still feel odd about buying a pumpkin, but i love roasting the seeds so much that i figure i will eventually end up doing it. i know, silly. now having a christmas tree down here-- that will be certainly bizarre.
btw - patz, congrats on being wholly less stressed! i am proud!
ok, off to read my trashy novel and put myself to bed.
1 comment:
"hovering between 70 & 80 MPH" my ass! You were hitting 120 EASY!
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