So, I've discovered a couple of things. In my approx 5 week sojourn here in Boston, it seems like a whopping 50% of the bars I have visited, have drinking challenges. Okay, so that only means 2, but the BU Pub

This other bar, Bukowski's (named after the misogynistic Hemingway-wannabe writer), has a rather intimidating menu of "99 Bottles of Beer on the Wall." They do this thing where if you drink 160 different beers in 6 months, you get your own special mug, that is named after the literary figure of your choosing. And every time you come back to the bar, you're allowed to drink from that mug, which is something like 6-8 ounces bigger than the standard pint glass that they serve. So, you are getting extra value for your buck.

I've actually led a rather monastic lifestyle here, compared to NY, so I haven't had a chance to check out other spots yet. But more to report soon...
*Note: First photo courtesy of ? and second photo was appropriated from
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