Wednesday, June 10, 2009

this too shall pass

its wednesday and i am regretting a few too many drinks at sandbar last night. cuban toast always seems like the best idea, but im trying to avoid it for as long as i can, instead mowing down on fruit salad & cereal. i know, the boring alternative. i even have a huge iced coffee here i can barely look at. sheesh.

last night before the theme turned into vodka-sodas and random convos, i went to david barton to try out a stretching & abs class, with all intentions of staying for pilates afterwards. classicly, as soon as i left work it started pouring, stopped, and then started again in south beach once i neared the parking lot for the gym. ah well. anyway i was really looking forward to this class & it was horrible. really horrible. the instructor was german, which ok, normally im fine with. but she was yelling the entire time. in a stretching class! ONE TWO THREE i mean, over and over and over. ANGRILY! it was scary. plus there was insane techno-dance music playing the whole time. this all for a class that is supposed to-- and i quote -- allow you to "[e]njoy a mix of yoga and fitness stretching with abdominal work. Slow down and enjoy this full body stretch class." what they really should have billed it as is: "Do you like an instructor who likes to show off how flexible she is without providing any modifications for those who cannot wrap their legs around their head? Speed up and painfully engage in gymnastic-like stretches made for 12 yr old girls while awkwardly hating Germany and German people for an hour." i tell you, i was kind of into the whole gym thing but that one class is starting to change my mind... needless to say, i could barely stand after that class so couldnt tolerate anything else other than a random meet up & dinner with justin (who happened to be *in* the class with me-- i just didnt know it at the time).

hey, at least they carry bumble & bumble hair products.

short remiss. back to work. just had to share that. and p.s., my arms still hurt from the "guns" class i took on monday, so at least there's that...



Landi said...

Der Elefant ist gross!

Annie said...

i wish thats what she said! then i might feel tenderness towards her.