Sunday, June 14, 2009

full and sleepy, all is right with the world

phew. so the week is technically over, but just yet beginning... 

thursday night, i went to a pilates class, then planned on going home to do nothingness... i showered, got in the car, and then justin texted: did i want to go to the miami new times best of 2009 event? miami new times is like the miami equivalent of the village voice- and the event was being held in the design district; tons of restaurants doing food samplings, open bars sponsored by various liquor companies, random art, etc. so while i initially said no, im too tired- a kelly clarkson song then came on the radio (i know, im ridiculous) and i thought: what the hell. youre only young once, youre only here now, take advantage of it. (a motto to live by, no matter where you are). so i turned onto the causeway, and headed over. it turned out to be a lot of fun- very crowded, but lots of yummy eats-- cupcakes, chocolates, mini burgers, crepes, salad, beef carpaccio, sushi rolls, scallops and shrimp... all for a mere $15 to support a charity! amazing!

friday though, i felt totally dead all day. i think in part it had to do with the week-- it started out so super early on monday taking ben to the airport, and then i was out late tuesday; wednesday rachel & i had movie night (bride wars + popcorn = amazing), and then thursday was food fest gorge-time... so i went up to the pool after work, fell asleep for an hour in the last moments of sun, and then settled down to watch 'girls just wanna have fun'. i hadnt really remembered that movie at all, but it was totally ridiculous and oddly enough got me way too awake and motivated so i tidied up the apt before putting myself to bed. 

yesterday morning i was up super early, to head to the gym (again) for a little run, abs class, and then latin dance w rachel & nicole. i love our saturdays! they are healthy yet fun and ridiculous and involve white wine at noon time, and huge salads, and exercise. its like i live some weird alternate life... we helped rachel pick out a dress for the evening-- she and adrian were having a party at their house to celebrate their engagement-- and then nicole came over for some pool time. it has been unbelievably hot recently: you can barely sit outside let alone move in the sun. right now its absolutely gorgeous outside, i just cant tell if itll make me feel sick to spend more time out there! anyway, nicole hung over for a while, we finished the sun, got ready for rachel's, and headed over early with some extra food items & to help her set up.  the night was a lot of fun, met lots of new people, did some toasts to the future-married-couple, ate tons of delicious things, drank lots of mojitos, wine and jameson, and then at about 1am once most of the party left, the 7 of us remaining headed out to 'bella rose', a newish bar (?) thats opened down on south beach, which is said to have no 'door drama'-- sure enough, we showed up in two cabs, spilled out each clutching a beer, and were ushered right in- with said beverages. we danced and danced and danced until us ladies could barely stand in our shoes, and then all headed home. 

this morning of course, my feet were still angry with me, and that feeing has not disapated with the day- they have blisters all over the bottoms, totally knocked up, one toenail is all purple again- sad little guys. despite my utter exhaustion all week, i still couldnt sleep late (! urgh being an adult) and was up at 9.30 and on the roof 15 minutes later... although i tried to go to the farmers market just now, its apparently closed for renovations, so instead of eating fresh veggies, i mowed some fish tacos and am now totally comatose while feeling guilty that im not on the beach. alas, what a rough life. also, i can barely inhale from my abs class yesterday- it hurts to move in any direction and my ribs hurt. patty, is this what you felt like? i literally thought i had swine flu when i woke up.

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