Friday, June 19, 2009

P: Ode to Annie!

Hey guys,
I've been in a bit of a funk of late, and feeling a little under the weather, hence the lack of posts. But I do want to mention two things:

(1) Annie is a superstar! My brother-in-law James (who also went to Brooklyn) and I were talking about that White and Case article in the NYT from the other week. And he said, apropros of nothing, "Your friend Annie kicked ass in law school. There was a write-up about her in the Brooklyn Law Notes..." and he went on about this competition Annie had won, and that she was published, blah blah. SO: I think for all of us non legalese people, we have no idea what means what in the legal world, and we should just remember that Annie is not only fabulously charming, rocks the glasses, runs faster than many men in my running club, dishes out the snark to leacherous men in bars, and is the best meat party promotor-turned-vegetarian-turned back to -meatatarian; she is also a brilliant, hard-working lawyer and legal superstar. So, put that in your pipe and smoke it!

(2) The other week, I went to see the Doves play at the House of Blues. The opening band was called Wild Light, which was a poppy indie number that sounded very similar to the Killers. They had a catchy song called "California on My Mind," the lyrics going:

F*ck today
F*ck San Francisco
F*ck California

F*ck today
F*ck Oakland
F*ck California

And so you can see that that song also reminded me of Annie, and her one-week attempt to kick it West-Coast style. I've included the video:

Signing off--

1 comment:

Annie said...

patty, you make me blush.

and, i love that *that* song reminds you of my one-week tryst to live in california. sometimes i forget about that!
