Sunday, June 28, 2009

P: Bad, Bad Carbo Habit!

I am getting myself into big trouble. I've been doing work lately at Panera Bread, because the theology library is closed on the weekends. And...Panera has really, really good bread. And sandwiches. And decent salads. And unlimited refills on decaf coffee. Today, I have consumed--in the span of 4.5 hours:

-Whole grain bagel w sundried tomato cream cheese
-Half a turkey sandwich + 1/2 Greek salad
-Accompanying piece of seven grain baguette
-1 Thomas English' toasted corn cake, that looks like the top of a corn muffin squished down into a flat disc
-3 bites of leftover pasta and chicken (before I left my apt this morning)
-1 HIGHLY ADDICTIVE cinnamon crunch bagel.
-3 cups of decaf coffee

WTF? I'm not allowed to eat this much. It's all because I am procrastinating from my writing. At this rate, I'm not going to be able to fit through the door. Also, what's the point of all of this running if it just leads me to all of htis eating? Unless...all of the running is LEADING me to all of this eating.

I can only hope that when I get to Korea, the social pressure to be thin and anorexic will kick in and stop my awful carbo loading habit. How am I going to go tubing in Western Mass for July 4th--in a bikini--with this carb-induced spare tire around my midsection? AUGH!!!

Okay, I promise the next post will have more substance than the diary entry of an insecure teenage girl who didn't make the cheerleading squad.

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