Friday, July 31, 2009

electric feel

Patty, i dont know if youve done this yet, but i recently went back and was reading some of my first posts here and thought, wow, how crazy (1) time flies (2) we grow (3) we adapt (4) we make little homes for ourselves. I know people always say that– oh youll be fine, youll make friends, youll have a great time– but in those moments, you never really *feel* that way- you feel instead like its going to last forever, that its so long. And then suddenly, one day, youre at a bar with your friends and looking around and thinking, huh, they were right. And the year is almost over... all this not only to say wow, but also to say, heres to future endeavors! Patty has less than a month in the states before her big korean adventure. So crazy! And ive still yet to wrap my head around moving again & leaving miami (although i am getting excited about vacation travel plans...)

Back to this world, though, for now. Somehow ive gotten into the habit of going out several nights in the middle of the week, which is a lot of fun, but causes complete bleary-eyed exhaustion come Friday. Which is, of course, what today is. At gamenight this week, i sadly failed at all of the games. You get a little too cocky at connect four, and suddenly your prowess is dashed. Word to the wise, ok then? It may seem like a childs game, but apparently you cant always be thinking about your next move. You actually have to pay attention (who knew?).

Wednesday night, rachel, nicole & i had the second-installment of "the night we get together, make dinner, and watch a dance movie that annie has never seen." thats not the official name of course, we’re much more underground than that. This week it was ‘flashdance’: compared to footloose, it definitely didnt win me over as much, although it was fabulous. The best part (other than incorporating a new dance move into my vocab– head-circling while also turning in a circle- 80's headbanger style; and skipping in a circle) was that comparatively, all during footloose i kept thinking, "why havent i seen this?!" whereas with flashdance, it was pretty obvious: an 18 yr old girl, living in a weird dirty amazing loft in pittsburgh, is a welder by day, but a dancer at night, in a club where she doesnt take all her clothing off, but dumps a bucket of water all over herself, and gyrates around; she awkwardly takes off her bra on a date with her boss, who is conveniently like 30 yrs older than her; when they are on another date, she basically performs fellatio on a piece of lobster; on same said date, she then reaches up with her black-lace-stockinged feet and gives her boss a little ‘hey hello how are you’, before his ex-wife comes over to say hello. I mean... i get why no one introduced this to me when it came out. Its way more terrifying than im sure pretty woman was to my father, who continually reminded me that "thats not really what its like to be a prostitute," as if he was worried i would want to get into the profession.

Last night, i was out late again for a friend’s birthday drinks at a bar called ‘teds hideaway’ - a total dive on south beach. Well, total dive? I should paraphrase. Its a dive, and for south beach, its a total dive. By ny standards, its a normal bar. For the second Thursday in a row, then, i got to relish in other people’s mild discomfort at being in such a bar; meet beer-girls who gave us a ‘sample’ of miller light; yell happy birthday numerous times; and think at 2am, ‘oh its not late!’ without really realizing that in several hours, id be at a desk again. A key difference was also that in teds, the clientel was not as old and/or approachable and/or insane as at the local haunt, sandabr. I mean, it actually oddly made me miss sandbar.

All in all, its been a pretty turbo week- got a lot of stuff accomplished, everyone has been in a tizzy, and for a while, admittedly, there was some bad mojo going around– you know when you can tell that everyone around you wants to stab everyone else & is cranky & is overworked? Yes. Like that. I was lucky enough to avoid it for the most part, kept my head down and such. Anyway, im glad its almost over– the boss will be gone for most of August, which will be a crazy last month, then, to say the least.

Soon enough ill be walking around nicole’s adorable coral gables neighborhood of little spanish-style-roofed houses, drinking wine out of a plastic cup. Sign me up, and get me out of here.


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