Thursday, July 16, 2009

how is it possible?

(1) .... that i had never seen footloose before? last night i went over to rachels after a run on the beach, and we made big salads, watched footloose, drank malbec, paused-rewound-and-danced along, ate a second-course of popcorn, and danced some more. what a fabulous movie. at the end we were jumping, laughing and dancing around, and i said to rachel: wow, we look like 7 yr olds. you know what? it was fabulous.

(2) ... that the standard hotel is some kind of miami-hipster-mecca? on tuesday night i went over to justins, where he made dinner for myself & two friends - aimee & sam - and then we cabbed over to the standard for the 2nd weekly 'game night.' mostly it was about 20 people who vaguely all knew each other, who were all hipstered out in various random outfit combos, huddled around several games- either twister, boggle, uno, checkers, or wii. we (the lawyers) took over jenga since it was unoccupied, and later moved on to the twister. a lot of fun, totally random, competitive but silly.

(3) ... that its thursday? only one more day before the boss comes back from vacay. this means i must be uuber productive tomorrow, finish a memo, and then get the heck outta town for jessi's mainer weekend. cabin-time, here i come.

(4) ... not sure i really have a fourth. but very excitingly, i had the *best* ever cubano sandwich today. it was at this little lunch spot called 'enriquetas' up on about 28th and n.e. 2nd ave- a drive from work, but well worth it. i got their cubano special, which not only included the usual ham/roast pork/pickle/mayo/mustard--- but ALSO had croquettas in the middle. in fair disclosure, i dont really know what a croquetta is, but it was insanely delicious all fried and shoved in the middle of the sammie. i mean, heavenly. justin had their jueves special which was a sort of cuban paella that was out of this world- it arrived with an entire crab just hanging out on top. no way. so good. too much food for sure. this might explain the current lingering food coma that i am in.

well, almost time to hit the road. although i dont want to go to pilates tonight i know i have to (ah, the pros and cons of buying a class-package), and then i can go home & pack and order dinner. i cant wait for maine! girl time!


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