Friday, August 7, 2009

101 simple salads, 80s rock cover bands, and chicken empanadas are not good for breakfast

three random topics of the day:

(1) last wednesday, mark bitman (of the nytimes) came out with a list of 101 simple summer salads that ive been moderately obsessed with. this past weekend, i made two: one which he calls "chickpea tabbolui", which is really nothing more than chopped chickpeas & herbs; and other "sihuan slaw"-- a medley of bean sprouts, carrots, celery, and more herbs. pretty amazing. wednesday night i had some friends over to continue the trend: involved in this medley were his salads of watermelon/olive/feta, pan roasted corn/cheese/cherry tomatoes, puttanesca egg salad, and stuffed avocados. im attaching the link here for more ideas. anyway, totally amazing. chanel, kevin, nicole, brook and tracy came over after i had a quick run on the beach; we huddled around my small coffee table in a circle (just enough chairs, phew!), and then headed out to go see our friend annie's 80s cover band...

(2) the cover band. there are very limited spots here in miami where one can go on any given night to watch live music: i hear there are a few in south beach, but not so much the rock-n-roll set, more like jazz, or perhaps latin music. this bar called 'poprock' opened a few months ago, and has live rockish music all the time- and our friend annie was set to play wednesday night at 10-- which seemed late for a wednesday, but what the heck. who cares. we got there shortly after the scheduled-play time, only to end up waiting until about midnight before they went on. either way, well worth the wait: we had the weirdly beefy bartender to entertain us; drinks in red solo cups (are you kidding me?); loud random dj'ed music; and each other. when they finally went on, the good times were well-supplemented with some pat bennetar and other assorted 80s hits... i cant remember specific songs because i was too distracted dancing up a storm right in front of the band (and there were only like 20 of us in the bar. kind of funny). nicole & i still managed to dance like no one was watching (even though literaly everyone else was behind us, watching), and in between songs, came up with our ideal outfits for being a rock star. my pick: leggings with shorts ontop, wife beater, insane heels. we danced the night away until about 2am, when tracy was sweet enough to drive me home (albeit with a quick stop in sandbar on the way)

(3) i woke up thursday morning with a serious headache and constant ringing of my ears (thanks, speakers at poprox), which i figured would dissapate soon enough; in the meantime, i struggled through a shower, got dressed, glanced around at the huge mess in my kitchen from the previous-nights-guests-and-salad, and fixed myself an iced coffee. on the way out, i scooped leftover salad contents into tupperware for lunch, and had the not-so-brilliant thought of eating a leftover chicken empanada for breakfast... this concept would not really trouble me until several hours later, when i felt like i was literally going to die. somehow i made it through the morning, figuring: just get through to lunch, you can eat soup. soup did not cure the malady, however, and after sweating profusely at my desk, running to the bathroom to splash cold water on my face, and clutching my stomach back at said desk, i finally came to the realization that it was time to head home. so, for the first time since i started working, i took a half-sick day. as soon as i got home, i undressed & literally fell into bed, waking up hours later with daylight still streaming in the window...

(4) only to rally eventually to head to our eating adventures at a tapas restaurant in the back of a gas station. let me tell you; it was insane. it literally is a bp station in coral gables; you park, go inside, and towards the back, they sell all of this amazing wine- theres even a sake section - and then theres this little caverous spanish tapas restaurant. you pick your wine off of a shelf behind you, order your tapas, and chow down. and hey, if you need some beef jerky, or a soda, or anything? you can just get up and walk by the champagne and fulfill your every desire. pretty awesome.

(5) so, im not sure why this is still a list at this point, but its kind of fun. today is going rather quickly, working productively (why does an afternoon off always have that effect?- people need more vacations), and dont have any real plans as of tonight... tomorrow morning we're getting up to go snorklin- justin, aimee, abby & i - and then its second saturdays -art-walk all over again. how time flies! i wonder if i can find an underwater camera in the meantime...


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