Friday, May 22, 2009

P: Morrissey in Boston!

Okay, so he wasn't exactly in Boston. But tonight I ended up at the Great Scott (a bar in Allston) for the Friday night dance party called "The Pill." THe theme of tonight? Morrissey's 50th birthday party. Holla! I went with 2 poets in the program, and we had a sweaty, bumpin' time. Although I was sorry I didn't get to dance around to "Girlfriend in a Coma," although they may have played it earlier or later. Just got home; about to rest up before running club tomorrow, then a sports massage, then half-marathon on Sunday AM. What? Why? I don't know. It's sold out so I'm running under the bib # of this guy from my running club. Oh, and then I run another half-marathon next weekend--the Heartbreak Half. Fun times! Yay! Okay, off to peel off the Forever 21 dress I bought in Miami (indecently short, eep), then pass out before running. G'night, folks!

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