Thursday, May 7, 2009

Cinco de mayo means, in english, "sleepy long week"

Tuesday was the glorious mexican holiday of cinco de mayo. While reports ran rampant that there were no celebrations of the holiday in its birthplace, americans properly celebrated with excessive amounts of alcohol and mexican food items. On the lower half of the east coast, i got an invite to a cuervo-silver-tasting party, sponsored by ocean drive magazine (think; hamptons magazine, but for miami. You know, lots of ads, lifestyle brands, not much in the way of articles, but tastefully put together). Anyway, it was in coconut grove, on a hotel rooftop (which is always nice), and involved margarita martinis (a fancy way of serving, basically, a margarita), tequilla sunrises, some concoction of tequila + red bull (vom) and the basic: on the rocks. There were certainly ridiculous outfits (the cuervo girls walked around in blue sequin mini dresses), ridiculously high-heeled shoes (like every woman in miami), and tons of dudes who looked the same (either the ed-hardy tee-shirts with jeans, or the button down, hair greased– both genres spending a lot of time in the gym). After imbibing too much tequila and laughing ridiculously with some co-workers, as well as some other random friends who also happened to be there (tracy, annie, carla), it was time to go home. First of course, i almost lost my credit card in the pay-parking machine when i mistakenly put it in the non-descriptive money-slot (it literally sucked the card in and i had to wrestle it out with my keys), and then of course, had a hard time finding my car in this dungeon of a hotel parking garage. I mean, things you never have to think about otherwise. Once i got home, it was an orange for dinner (sadly, no mexican feast... although on second thought, i think i also managed to incorporate an avocado into the meal)– and was overwhelmed by complete exhaustion.

To follow things up with some more mid-week activity, last night six of us headed out to see the marlins vs. braves at dolphin stadium. Going to see baseball in ny is one thing: the stadiums are packed (even if a certain local team isnt doing well), the crowd is excited, there are hotdogs for everyone, perhaps you even engage in a miller-light versus bud-light taste test with your girlfriends, then take a super long subway ride back home... but last night? None of that. First difference? there were tons of people tailgating in the parking lot. That is so suburban, i love it. We all regretted that we hadnt thought ahead. Second though, we walk in just as the national anthem is going on, and the stadium is literally empty. A steady trickle of people comes in as the game goes on, and its pretty busy over in the general-lower area by the bases (we were in the outfield ‘terrace’ with all the insane drunk people), but nothing ever really got too packed- you could have easily gone to sit wherever you wanted, granted, so long as it wasn’t behind home plate). Still though, we heartily enjoyed our bud lights and boca burgers. (I know. It’s amazing they had them, but also sad there wasn’t enough of an unhealthy gathering that i would have felt justified in eating a literal tub of popcorn for dinner). The best part of the night, though? When we first got in and were walking to our seats, we passed by... Sandbar. A bar. In. The. Stadium. It was really really... magical. Sadly, no comparison to the real thing.

Which brings us to today. In an effort to be consistent, i preliminarily signed myself up for pilates tonight without really considering how tired i would be by Thursday night. Oh well. I guess it will stretch me out and then i can go laze about and make dinner. I have a beautiful cauliflower from last weekend that is just begging to be eaten. Tomorrow night we’re trying out michy’s, michelle bernstein’s miami restaurant (i believe shes a regular on iron chef america?) as they’re having a miami-spice menu deal; and then this weekend, its second-Saturday again – remember patty? This time, going back to wynwood to see the area’s attempt at hipsters, free wine, and (bad) art. Honestly though, i cant wait to just go to sleep tonight...on the plus side, its already Thursday, right? ... right?


1 comment:

P courtst@ said...

yay!!! what a great week. cuervo margarita martinis, pilates, and second saturday--seems like a packed week!