Tuesday, May 12, 2009

P: Eine Kleine Chilly, But Beautiful in Boston

After a fairly balmy weekend in NY, yesterday (Mon) in Boston got pretty chilly pretty quickly at night--I once again resorted to my wool coat, which I nearly sent off to get dry cleaned. Huh. But I did enjoy a beautiful 5 mile loop on the Charles, then headed t othe gym to do some free weights (my feeble attempt to get Michelle Obama arms by the time I graduate) and then I went to CitySports, where I proceeded to spend nearly ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS on God-knows-what. A 65 inch stability ball. One set of 12 pound steel dumbbells (which I would then have to carry home on the 15 min walk back). A soccer ball, for when Diane arrives this wknd (holla!!). A pair of Under Armour running shorts that are long enough not to chafe the inner thights (hopefully. They were 25 bucks, so they better not make me chafe). I ran into this guy from my running club, who happened to be buying cleats for ultimate frisbee with BUDA, the boston ultimate something assoc. One of my Swarthmore friends plays on that league. Anyway, it made me really excited for the summer and for all of the various athletic activities and outdoor things that will invariably take place. Or rather, I'm just super excited for when Diane arrives and we can drink beer, eat burgers, and run around in the park with a ball and frisbee.

I have been getting about zero work done, and I can't shake the nagging guilt. My 90 page thesis needs to be completely reworked, rewritten, and polished. I have to meet with a typesetter who will do the layout and will bind up the book, and then the entirety of my thesis gets bound up into a hardcover book, given an isbn #, and is stored in BU's library archives for posterity. Ha Jin and Jhumpa Lahiri (pulitzer prize winner; author of the Namesake and Interpreter of Maladies, etc) are stored there. I am kind of freaking out, and I have to get all of this done before I take off and leave the country FOREVER. I also have other matters to attend to: renew my credit card, renew my drivers' license, which includes getting an eye exam, going to the Korean consulate to get my visa, but first waiting for my expired passport to arrive in the mail in 4-6 weeks, praying it doesn't get lost in the mail; etc etc. This morning, I woke up at 4:22am (after going to bed at 12:30) and ran through the litany of things to do, then the things I haven't done or did poorly, the faux pas I made, etc etc. I thought more about the stupid things I've said to people, and repeated--with Tourette's-like spasticity--fuck! damn! I hate it!--and couldn't fall back asleep. Reading David Copperfield--a 750 page whopper--did little to assuage my agitated state, because I knew that poory little Davey would be subject to more abuse at the boarding school, and that I'd have 670 more pages of this to come.

I am also plagued with the thoughts of turning in my grades for my students. I want to give them all As and A-'s, just for showing up and participating. But my prof Leslie who runs the program might not be happy with these high grades being doled out; after all, he gave me a B+. I just found out Ha Jin gave me an A-, to which I'm actually really happy about. This will be my first A- in a writing class! Daphne also gave me a B+, and this is all the more discouraging, as I keep staring at the essays I've written in her class, and I can't seem to get things working.

Blah blah babbling on. I've been in the student union for the past 2.5 hours, since 7am, and have gotten no work done yet. so it goes!

cheers, P

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