Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Boston is freakishly warm today

A sweltering 50 degrees out. Yes, it's damp from last night's rain, and there are still huge patches of ice and piles of snow everywhere, but man, it is WARM! I feel like I'm getting spring fever already. This would probably make sense, as I'm staring at my laptop today wondering how the heck I'm going to fill in all these scenes.

I've made some friends in the Theology program (namely because I'm in their library from 10-9, daily, with a break for class), and they invited me to crash the weekly Community Lunch. Today it was sandwich wraps. Last week it was Qdoba. The time before was pasta. At least the theology students seem friendlier than the law students, who throw resentful looks at you when they're asked to share their table with you in the library.


Okay, back to work.


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