first p, i think you should totally do the basically naked run. i mean, it cant last that long can it? plus, its hilarious. down here we dont officially do anything like that- we just see old women running on the beach in their bathing suits looking oddly much better than... well... anyone. startling, really. i myself just signed up for a 10k on saturday, before realizing that it starts at 7AM and is about an hours drive from my house. so.... not quite sure when im supposed to arrive or anything. hopefully i can pick up my packet ahead of time. running has also, recently, been very unattractive to me. all i want to do is sit in the house and watch movies and stuff my face with popcorn. is it that im depressed? exhausted? or just done with running? yes well, apparently im still forcing it, so there is that.
work was pretty quiet today, which is always nice. i got to do some very pressing things, like finally respond to the nyc jury duty people who are shocked and appalled that i could not sit on a jury in september. yes, its taken me this long to respond to them, mostly because they asked for a multitude of documentation that proves i am no longer living in nyc. not only did they want a copy of my lease, but also two utility bills, w-2s, and a copy of my drivers license. well well well. anyway i finally sent it out today, amongst other actual work-work things.
this week is not so bad, actually, its going by at a good steady pace. then again, i guess tomorrow is only wednesday. my big plan for this weekend, other than the super crack early race on saturday, is scouting out a middle eastern or greek market. see, next week is this "holiday" celebration we have at work. except its not holiday based. its actually food based. the entire week is a potluck: we are each to bring in two items, on assigned days of the week, and we apparently eat breakfast and lunch all together- everyone on the floor (there are 6 of us in my office, plus the boss; similar arrangement in another office down the hall; and the last one only has 3... but still- there are also former- co-worker interlopers, who also show up bearing food products). in theory, this sounds like a great idea-- bonding, delicious food, procrastination. but in reality, it means that i have volunteered to make spinach pie for approximately 20 people, and believe it or not, cheese here is like 20 times normal price. im not kidding. not to be obsessive, but feta at the local publix market is about $7 for about a half-pound. i know, for years i was spoiled by sahadis and the east village cheese shop, where i could easily walk to either and stock up on a pound of sheep or cow's milk feta for 2.99/lb. i just miss those places! we dont have cheese markets here, we dont have middle eastern markets; hell, we dont even have indian or japanese markets. its one of those things i always took for granted in new york- while i used them feverishly, i never really thought, wow how lucky. i really just thought, wow, how cool. now i am desperate. moreover, theres no real online internet "path" to follow in reaching the sparse selection of speciality markets down here-- no reviews, no comments- like the foodie cult down here doesnt really go for that out-of-the-way ethnic experience. so, i am armed with a list of 3 places i was able to find, one of which admittedly does have fabulous reviews (a huge warehouse full of greek imported food items?!?! heavenly) but its going to be about an 1.30 drive from the race saturday morning. predictably, the two places closer are also, unknown entities. nonetheless, i am ready , willing and able. and i better be, to make that much spinach pie.
the other downside to "food week"? being forced to eat relative strangers' home cooking and not offending them. again, something i take for granted is how we have these friends who are just amazing cooks. i fear that is not the case everywhere. i will try to keep an open mind though, even though the idea of "meat" lasagne grosses me out like a vegetarian. (i think its the unidentified meat factor).
I want some spinach pie! Work potluck= cute in theory, could go disastrously wrong. Curious to hear how it all goes down?
You're not alone Annie.
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