so its nice to be back in a way, but also of course, sad. it was so lovely to be able to have so much time with friends and family- everytime i spend time with my mom, i am reminded by all these similar things we do. its pretty adorable, if you ask me. we baked up a storm, made tons of cookies & assorted food items, i helped her throw a dinner party on saturday night, and was also able to spend some solid time walking around. my true love. theres really nothing like having a drink with a friend and walking crosstown, or even a few blocks to the subway. the mist this weekend was particularly beautiful- everything looked enchanted.
the upper west side in all her glory
today was brutal beyond belief, just trying to keep my shit together in terms of staying awake. because i had to leave my apartment so early to move my car before it would allegedly be towed, i decided to stop off at the market to grab some breakfast & lunch items. note to self: walking into a huge supermarket at 7.40am, after sleeping only several hours, is a very disorienting and unnecessary process. i ended up bringing a random assortment of food to work- none of which really went together, and which was excessive in quantity, to say the least. when you are trying to make sense of things with such a low level of cognitive functioning, the results are bound to involve stocking up on 5 pounds of grapefruits, a pound of sliced turkey, 6 yogurts, two bags of salad, a new box of cereal, and thats all i can remember. you would think i was moving into my office. it was highly embarassing to walk through our security/metal detector with four grocery bags. needless to say, things were a little slow-going this morning.
im taking the night off from running, mostly because i think i might fall and smash my face in if i tried to go on the treadmill. but also, it was such a lovely break to be able to run around central park in the mornings, with other people around! here in miami, there are maybe a handful of other runners that i will see while im on the beach. true, there is usually a minor spotting of more runners down on south beach, but still- nothing like the energy and motivation of being around, passing, and being passed by others. its very humbling and it makes you stay on your game. here, i just bop along without paying attention while listening to crappy pop music, and cars often just nearly miss hitting me (they never look where they're going-- its as if sidewalks dont exist here).
i have an odd confession. it just sprung up actually. i feel this insane urge to go buy fake uggs at target all of a sudden. is this what happens to you when you live in the tropics? is this why hollywood starlets always wear uggs and scarfs even though l.a. is still 74 degrees year round? oh wait---- wait--- ok-- moment passed. phew. now im ready to make some soup & get in bed.
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