Tuesday, November 18, 2008

a medicinal story & e.t.c.

im pretty pooped so am going to try & keep this short... you all know about this little rash ive had for the past week and a half, and recently i started putting this amazing lavender-tea tree oil salve that i have on it, whenever the desire to scratch arises. it has been incredibly soothing. plus, it feels great to constantly be moisturizing yourself. try it sometime. i mean, so long as you have your own office and no one will wonder why you keep putting lotion all over your left shoulder, every 15 minutes.

but earlier this evening, when i got back from my run, i was so grossed out by one portion of my arm (the upper left, on the back of my arm)- because there were these 3 small welt-like things, like i had just been bitten by some rabid mosquitos or something. i knew they were part of whatever allergic reaction ive been dealing with, so i wasnt troubled by them or anything- i was just grossed out you know? so i open my medicine cabinet, grab this bottle that says "anti itch cream" and start slathering it all over my arms, then my neck-- anywhere else i see bumps and/or am itchy. after rubbing it, i think to myself, hmmm this doesnt smell like calamine lotion or anything--- and go to pick the bottle up. in very small print it says "compare to extra strength vagasil".

it was just too classic for words. for a brief moment, i thought, oh no! thats gross! but then i realized the smell it gave off was faintly of rose, and i figured, hey, if you can put this in your nether regions, then im sure it must be safe for arms! (i also amuzingly thought i was the kind of person that, if a friend or child or whomever was itchy and i had that cream, i would make them use it without disclosing what it was really for. i mean, its practical right?).

other than that, the only things really getting me through this week are, in no apparent order,
(1) my turkey chili
(2) knowing thanksgiving is next week
(3) the highly amuzing "news" in miami that we are experiencing a "cold front" that is dropping the temperature tonight to an all time LOW of... 52 degrees.
(yes, suckers, check that one out. )

today excitingly i also got my official 'bar passing' notice in the mail. it is with my pleasure to let you know that i have been "certified to the first department commission on character and fitness." so if and when i put together all my affidavits and letters and whatever else they require to review me, you all will be the first to know. i am expecting it to take about a year before they officially admit me, so we can all celebrate then in *person*.

oh geez, i almost forgot. i have bad news. i am officially changing my license on friday to become a floridian. im not that into it either, but i figured, the next time i get pulled over by a cop, he might not be of the young swaggering latino gentlemanly type, but of the angry bitter version, and not let me get away with still having a nys license whilst living here. so, over a month late, i will go to the dmv and floridize myself. floridianize myself? floridazzle myself? i dont know. its hopeless. even more hopeless is knowing that i will have to wait in line at the nys dmv sometime in the coming year to change it all back. this will hopefully mean, however, that i will no longer have a license picture from age 19 (holler back morgan!) where people do not recognize me and then after finally convicing them that yes, that was me, they say "i like you with short hair" as if i just changed it. thanks guys, thanks. with that, i bid thee adieu.


1 comment:

P courtst@ said...

Aw, sorry to hear about both the vaginal/anti-itch situation, as well as the florida citizenship business. But...you'll be home in a week! Woo hoo! love ,Patty