First off: I should NOT be up this early. If I went to bed at 2:45am, then shouldn't I still be sleeping about now? Last night I attempted to go to the birthday party of this girl in my running group. Operative word: "attempted." My friend Christine (from Swat) and I waited in line for this stupid club called Middlesex Lounge for almost one hour. We were flanked by two groups of douchey frat guys who were shouting over us. So Christine and I decided to suggest that the two groups needn't be separated; if we moved ahead of them, then they could be together. They didn't bite. Anyway, Christine and I are in these little dresses and boots, and it's raining (thankfully it was super warm out), and finally we decided it wasn't even worth it. Neither of us were really into the club scene, and if the frat guys in line with us were any indication of what the inside would be like, then we weren't having it.
On the same block was this really cute-looking bar called Miracle of Science --a science-themed bar where the menu is written in the style of a periodic table. Only in Cambridge. As we started towards the bar, I heard someone shouting out my name. At the back of the line to Middlesex was a group of these guys from my running club. They decided to throw in the towel with us, and we all headed to the bar. It was kind of one of those random nights where things just fell into place. As of 8pm that night I had no idea what my plans were going to be. I had yet to hear back from Vince, I wasn't sure if I should crash this other party, etc etc. Anyway, more people from the running group eventually made their way into the bar, and it ended up being a really fun night. Granted, EVERYONE in the group is either a software engineer or computer programmer, and a little dorky (how apropos, then, that we were drinking in a science-themed bar), but they're all really nice and friendly. I need to stop being so surprised by that--it's not really a novelty.
(Photo courtesy of miracleofscience.us)
was there a sign in front of the bar that said:
no pets allowed
shoes and shirts required
chemistry goggles optional
Hilarious. Sadly, no, though Boston has this weird thing where every menu bears the following warning:
"Consuming \raw or uncooked meats, poultry, seafood, shellfish or eggs may increase your risk of food borne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions."
Really appetizing to read just as you're about to order a plate of sushi...
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