So as I waste time in the Starbucks in BU's School of Management building, currently on my second decaf coffee, second piece of pastry, after having eaten breakfast and lunch, and having worked on only 2 paragraphs of my to-be 90 page thesis, I think about how much it sucks to not be able to get my work done, AND how I'm losing concentration as the weather is getting nicer, AND how I need to get my f-ing act together. I'm also still working out a Charlie horse I had in my left calf, after pointing and flexing my foot yesterday. It still f-ing hurts.
Anyway, beyond oggling T-shirts on and bikini bottoms at, I thought I'd send a link to Diane's friend Brian's running blog. In the latest posts, he chronicles the weekend adventures in Boston: .
I hope I'll find the energy/strength/etc to get crackin' on my f-ing thesis. !@#$%%!!
Anyway, I'll l eave you with some spastic pictures of me from the Boston half marathon from Memorial Day wknd, and also a photo of Amy, Brian, and me from the Somerville Jingle bell run back in December.

In case you couldn't tell, I'm kind of dying in these photos.

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