So, to celebrate, I have been taking a lot of Airborne and Vitamin C, because I got a cold from all of this stress-related hooplah, and then Thurs I cleaned my apt all day--vacuuming, dusting, scrubbing, folding, etc. I have been doing not one ounce of work since, AND I went to Great Scott's Friday night Britpop dance party in Allston, which is something like Trash at Rafifi--except the hipsters here are a little more conservative than in NY. Before that, we went to this total, total dive, unironically divey bar called Silhouette Lounge, where there were townies and college students mingled together. I mean, real townies--middle aged, moustached, blue-collar men, and I got there first and had to wait by myself for the first ten minutes, which I've done on many an occasion at other bars, but felt jittery here nonetheless, while I was drinking my Jameson neat ($5.40 for nearly a double! drink of choice when I have a cold) while sitting in a plastic booth. It reminded me of Blue and Gold, if it weren't overtaken by hipsters. Better yet, it's more like that place HOliday Cocktail Lounge--really pretty grimy.

Tim's here on a visit, which should be fun! We're going for drinks with Sheila (my roomie) and Amy (her closest friend from high school and now my running buddy). We'll probably be joined by Ian, who's a brewer for SixPoint and is here for Extreme Beer Fest and his brewing buds, probably at Publick House. Hopefully photos TK!
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