(1) the boss agreed with me on things that i wrote, which rarely happens. ok, to rephrase-- not that he disagrees with me, more like he voices very strongly his issues with what ive said or how ive said it. but these past two memos have gone down smooth like sugar. i am pleasantly surprised with myself.
(2) i got a ton of sleep monday night after a harrowing day, and have felt rested and chipper the past two days, which is also probably attributed to the fact that i have no had any lingering eye problems since my (mostly undiagnosed) trauma
(3) i attended a trivial pursuit pot-luck party at a new friend's house - i met her at the 'girls night' we had about a month ago. to be honest, i really wanted to flake out, go home, get into bed, and watch the 'sex and the city movie' (yes i already saw it, im only slightly embarassed).
but at the same time-- i knew that if i were new york, i probably would have flaked- i would have thought, why go? i can see her for coffee or whatever some other time.
so after work, i made myself go for my nightly run and then jumped back into the car; got to her apartment in brickell; made my contribution of spinach salad-- and actually had a good time. there were about 10 of us, crammed into her living room around her coffee table, hovering over trivial pursuit, laughing, shouting, eating shepard's pie for the anglophiles, tidbitly nidbits, and the most delicious renderings of hummus and collard greens (wholly separate) that ive ever had. practically all of the people there were marine biologists. weird, right?! only here, where there are plenty of fish in the literal sea and coral reefs to explore and snorkling year round, if you can take the "frigid" water. (i put frigid in quotations to express that, even when the water is cold here, it still sometimes feels warmer than it does up the coast in new york or on the cape in the middle of the summer). plus, perhaps one of the more surprising items of the night? i happen to subconsciously know many odd random things that help with such trivia games.
(4) i got to spend time with a former co-worker from the firm that i summered at in new york-- he actually works down the block from me, and a handful of us went out to lunch. it was so unbelievably relaxing and fun, and everyone actually had a sarcastic sense of humor so that there was never one of those awkward moments where you think, "do they get me?". they got it.
(5) one last random note to add to this list; i wore my hair in the classic annie mini-pony today. it barely stayed in its little elastic, but it was trying, out there, in the back, sticking out like some random collection of ... well ... hairs. believe it or not, i got a handful of compliments. although i still dont know if they were really compliments, or underhanded attempts to discourage the mini-pony. fear not, it shall prevail until i schedule a haircut.
(6) its cold here! i mean, i know its cold there. but here, its 58 degrees. come on.
(7) i fell while running today, but kept going!
this optimism thing is working great. lets hope it stays with me throughout the year. or at least, until friday - when im sure i can recharge the battery (sans any preceeding episodes).
and thank you all for your concerns. *you* are the best. yes, you.
down with the mini pony!
I know. I miss that sassy little rat tail thingamabob.
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